
The Club shall be known as the Federation of Badminton Clubs, hereafter referred to as the ‘FBC’.

  1. Encourage the growth & enjoyment of the sport of badminton for all ages, skill levels and culture.
  2. To foster and promote the game of badminton by providing the opportunity for any club to play organized badminton at recreational and competitive levels while developing good character and sportsmanship.
  3. To build a sustainable structure under Badminton Ontario and bring linkage between all Badminton Clubs.
  4. To encourage a positive and rewarding badminton environment among volunteers, players, coaching staff, and spectators.
  5. To work towards ensuring the PAN Am facility remains dedicated to badminton.
  1. Membership shall include annually registered clubs, elected Board of Directors and positions appointed by the Board within the York District.
  2. All clubs in good standing shall have voting privileges at Annual General Meetings (AGM) and Special General Meetings (SGM).
  3. Club voting privileges are as follows:
    • 50 members or less shall receive one vote
    • 51 – 150 members shall receive two votes
    • More than 150 members shall have three votes

  4. The total membership of the FBC shall be fixed at each Annual General Meeting, subject to the provision that the Board shall have overriding power to vary the number should financial circumstances warrant the necessity.
  5. Termination of Membership – Board member has the right to refuse or not renew membership by a majority vote from the Board.
The affairs of the Federation Of Badminton Clubs shall be conducted by the Board members (over the age of 18 years as at December 31 of a President, Treasurer, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Marketing & Sponsorships, Vice President of Communications and Secretary (total seven) with full voting privileges. Assisting the Board will be Directors with no voting privileges.
  1. The Board shall be elected at the Bi-Annual General Meeting subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise, shall remain in office for a period of two years.
  2. The Board shall meet as and when it is considered necessary.
  3. Nominations to the Board of Directors shall be provided to the Secretary in writing twenty-one (21) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The following positions shall be elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting held in odd numbered years:
    • President
    • Secretary
    • Vice President of Programs
    • Vice President of Operations
  5. The following positions shall be elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting held in even numbered years:
    • Treasurer
    • Vice President of Marketing & Sponsorships
    • Vice President of Communications
  6. Under normal circumstances, the President shall manage the day-to-day operations of FBC and preside at all meetings. In the case of an equality of votes at any meeting, the President shall have a casting vote.
  7. The Secretary shall discharge all the duties of the President when the President is absent.
  8. The Treasurer shall conduct the financial business of FBC. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate ledger of accounts, and provide a current financial report at each Annual General Meeting.
  9. The Secretary shall keep and maintain the Minutes of all meetings, and provide a copy of those Minutes to all board members. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all documents and correspondence. The Secretary shall keep and maintain lists of all members.
  10. The Directors shall act in an advisory capacity or otherwise assist in the management of the FBC as requested by the President in regards to internal and external communications, promotions, socials, tournaments, coaching, and other special activities.
  11. Honorary Board Member:
    • All nominations for Honorary Board Members, when approved by the Board, shall be life long.
    • The Honorary Board Member shall act in both an advisory and managerial capacity as requested by the President and/or the executives.
    • The Honorary Board Member has no voting privileges.
  12. Honorary Clubs:
    • Annually clubs, registered with their respective District, can be nominated for Honorary club status at the FBC AGM.
    • Board approval is required to achieve Honorary club status.
    • Honorary club status is effective for one year and entitles the club to all rights and privileges of a FBC registered club.
  13. Five Board Members shall form a quorum.
The Annual General Meeting will be held before December of each year for the following purposes.

  • The purpose of the meeting is to review the activities of the past fiscal year, consider amendments to the Constitution and elect members to the Board.
  • All matters will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast by members present by a show of hands unless a motion has been proposed to hold the vote by secret ballot or as defined in certain circumstances elsewhere in this Constitution or By-laws.
The Board may at any time, for any purpose, call a Special General Meeting; however, they shall only do so upon receipt in writing from any five members, stating their reasons for which the meeting is to be called.

At a Special General Meeting no business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting was called.

No resolution shall be passed at a Special General Meeting unless a minimum of fifty percent of the current Board member is present.

The Annual General Meeting shall take place no later than December 31. The purpose of the meeting is to review the activities of the past fiscal year, consider amendments to the Constitution and elect members to the Board.

The election of the Board shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast by members present by a show of hands unless a motion has been proposed to hold the vote by secret ballot.

The request for a Special General Meeting shall specify the agenda of the meeting and no other business will be conducted without the unanimous consent of those at the meeting.

Members shall have voting privileges per Article 3: Membership. All matters will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast by members present, except as defined in certain circumstances elsewhere in this Constitution or By-laws.

Agenda for Annual General Meeting

  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  • President’s Report
  • Financial Report
  • Consent by members that the financial statements will be unaudited (simple majority of votes cast by members present by a show of hands)
  • Reports of the Directors
  • Unfinished Business
  • Amendments to the Constitution
  • Roll Call
  • Election of Board Members (in descending order of authority)
  • New Business
  • Adjournment

Presiding Officer at the Annual General Meeting
The President of the FBC shall preside at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. In the absence of the President, the Secretary shall preside.

No Tier 1 (voting privileged) Board Member shall receive remuneration.

The Board shall approve all matters of finance relating to the FBC.

The annual membership fee shall be decided upon by the Board prior to the beginning of each season’s play.

The Federation of Badminton Clubs will maintain a reserve balance to ensure its protection against unforeseen economic hardship. This reserve balance is to be retained from FBC membership fees and shall not exceed 50% of the former year’s operating expenses. Any surplus beyond this reserve amount is to be used for a reduction of membership fees or for some other worthwhile promotion of FBC’s objectives.

Financial Statements

  • FBC’s financial year shall be from August to July.
  • An annual Financial Report will be issued to the Board prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  • The Annual Financial Statements shall be available for review by all members.
  • At the AGM, members will vote on review status of the financial statements – subject to an audit, a review or remain unaudited.
  • An annual budget shall be prepared no later than 60 days after the Annual General Meeting and approved by the Board.

Financial Controls

  • No Board Member shall have an expense account.
  • Money spent by any Board Member or Members with the intention that he or she be reimbursed, must have supporting receipts attached to a cheque requisition completed in the proper form with an explanation submitted to the Treasurer for approval.
  • Purchases/cheques issued above $150 must be approved by the Board.
  • All cheques issued will be signed by the Treasurer and one other authorized Board member (provided they are not related).
  • Sponsors, all sponsorship funds, payable to Federation of Badminton Clubs, will be submitted to the Treasurer.
  • All sponsorship funds will become part of FBC general revenues, unless otherwise directed by the sponsor.
  • All funds of the Club shall be placed in a Bank account under the name of the Federation of Badminton Clubs and the Treasurer shall ensure that all club funds are deposited in this account. The Treasurer shall be authorized to withdraw FBC funds from this account as and when required provided that the cheque authority is countersigned by one other authorized Board member.
The Board shall have the power to expel a member from the Federation of Badminton Clubs in very exceptional circumstances subject to a written warning being handed to the member in question personally at least fourteen days prior to the intended meeting to implement the expulsion.

The Board shall have the power to make or repeal minor by-laws and regulations (not inconsistent with these rules) as they shall think expedient for the internal management of the FBC. All such by-laws and regulations shall be binding upon members, temporary members and guests until repealed by board or set aside by resolution at a General Meeting of the Club.

Proposed amendments to the constitution to be put before the Annual General Meeting should be presented in writing to the Secretary, 14 days before the date of the AGM. These proposed amendments should then be displayed on the FBC notice board for the members to see.

Upon dissolution of FBC, the physical & monetary assets shall be kept by the Badminton Ontario in Trust until a new Board of Directors can be formed to continue the Federation. If a new Board of Directors cannot be formed within three years, Badminton Ontario shall have the authority to distribute the physical & monetary assets as it sees fit for the benefit of the York District.