Ontario Trillium Fund
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) mission is to help build healthy and vibrant communities in Ontario by strengthening the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives.
The Foundation provides grants to Ontario’s charitable and not-for-profit organizations working in the arts and culture, environment, human and social services, and sports and recreation sectors.
In November 2012, the FBC applied to OTF requesting funds of $387,200 to lay the foundation to build sustainable, legacy Badminton programs for the community.
In March 2013, FBC was granted funds of $214,500 over a four year period
Funds must ONLY be used for items specified in the agreement:
- Hiring of Technical Director and Head Coach
- Equipment for Training (racquets, nets, shuttle dispensers, BK & Shadow trainers
- Shuttles for League Play
- Certification of Coaches (i.e. NCCP levels)
For more information about OTF, click here (need to link to OTF website – per our agreement)
For more information about FBC’s OTF Grant, email info@federationbadminton.com.