by Deb2898 Admin | May 25, 2018 | Events
Register now Events BS U13, GS U13, XD U13, BD U13, GD U13, BS U15, GS U15, XD U15, BD U15, GD U15, BS U17, GS U17, XD U17, BD U17, GD U17, BS U19, GS U19, XD U19, BD U19, GD U19 Online entry Entry open: May 1, 2018 12:00 AM (GMT -04:00) Entry deadline: May 31, 2018...
by admin | Apr 20, 2018 | Events
The Pursuit of Excellence Funding and Sport Excellence Funding are annual programs that sponsors outstanding athletes who are pursuing excellence in the sport of badminton. The purpose of the program is to promote greater linkage between the sport governance body,...
by Deb2898 Admin | Mar 2, 2018 | Events
The World Junior U19 Badminton Championships are coming to Canada in November 2018 When: Nov 5-10 (Team Championship) Nov 11-18 (Individual Championships) Where: Markham Atos Pan AM Centre Badminton Ontario currently has a group of 70 Line judges who have officiated...
by Deb2898 Admin | Oct 15, 2017 | Events
Registration extended to Monday, Oct.30. Register on Tournament Software